20 Prohibitions ( Precautionary Rules ) of the Chen Family_taichiquan_English_永嘉县太极拳文化研究会
永嘉县太极拳文化研究会 > English > taichiquan > 20 Prohibitions ( Precautionary Rules ) of the Chen Family(正文)

20 Prohibitions ( Precautionary Rules ) of the Chen Family

2011-11-26   永嘉县太极拳文化研究会
核心提示:  1). Don't rely on a position of authority to bully others.  2). Don't defer to the strong ( out of fear ) or insul...
  1). Don't rely on a position of authority to bully others.
  2). Don't defer to the strong ( out of fear ) or insult the weak.
  3). Don't fear for oneself, come to the aid of others in danger.
  4). Don't commit crimes.
  5). Don't rely on you Gongfu skills to fight with others.
  6). Don't take advantage of a superior position to become arrogant.
  7). Don't sell your art on the street.
  8). Don't travel here and there to set up a clique.
  9). Don't wallow in luxury, or live a paupers' existence.
  10). Don't be prideful or self-satisfied.
  11). Don't get into arguements with a crazy or violent person.
  12). Don't contend with the ignorant.
  13). Don't be proud to ward the poor or fawn on the rich.
  14). Don't hanker after ill-gotten gains.
  15). Don't have anything to do with drinking or prostitution.
  16). Don't refuse to pay any public or private obligations.
  17). Don't use public the trappings of high office or a handsome salary.
  18). Don't pursue the trappings of high office or a handsome salary.
  19). Don't betray your country or be a rotter.
  20). Don't slack off and waste your time by not practicing.

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